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Choose car tires

The fact that your car tires are black and & nbsp; at the bottom of & nbsp; & mdash; yet & nbsp; an excuse not to & nbsp; to pay & nbsp; their attention. We believe that you have heard about the & nbsp; accidents and catastrophes in the & nbsp; which is tires and & nbsp; were & laquo; guilty & raquo ;. Of course, not & nbsp; own tires and drivers, but & nbsp; on & nbsp; not & nbsp; easier. Regardless of whether you are buying a & nbsp; You Vehicles & nbsp; & mdash; new or used & nbsp; & mdash; or sit for a long time & nbsp; the wheel of his car on & nbsp; the condition of tires must constantly pay attention. The tires must be of high quality and & nbsp; reliable.

Home & mdash; the tire should approach drives the wheels of the car. In this regard, there is usually a recommendation automobile, and they must be respected. It is extremely desirable to have the same tires on all four wheels (if car factory does not recommend otherwise). And in any case on the same axle of a vehicle must be tires of the same size with the same pattern & mdash; This requirement of traffic rules!

It is well known concept of & laquo; Seasonal tires & raquo; & mdash; summer or winter. Winter tires are studded hampering sliding, or without them. They are often marked with the Latin letters M + S, which means & laquo; mud + snow & raquo ;. On studded tires better ride out of town, where the roads are not cleaned and generally far from comfortable. At the city asphalt can be driven on non-studded, even if on top of asphalt mess of snow and salt. Summer tires, of course, is for the rest of season.

Available in all-season tires that are marked AS (All Seasons & mdash; all seasons) or AW (Any Weather & mdash; (any weather). These tires are inferior to the specialized, difficult to manufacture and cost significantly more seasonal. They are, so to speak, for lazy.

Tires are divided into bias and radial, tube and tubeless. Radial softer and more comfortable than the diagonal. They have less rolling resistance, which reduces fuel consumption. Their handling is much better and much longer service life. However, they are weaker than the diagonal, tolerate blows and cuts, and not strong enough on bad roads. Radial tires are better for driving on the highway.

Tires that you buy must comply with Russian and international standards. Certified tires are labeled E (corresponding to European standards), DOT (US), or one and the other.

As with any product, you can talk about the world-famous brands (Dunlop, Kleber, Matador, Michelin, Nokian, Pirelli) and of products of lesser-known companies. It is absolutely clear that the quality of tires you purchased directly determines the potential danger of an accident. Security of your life, in the end, the most important thing.

Source: http://avtoobzor.info/articles/obsluzhivanie_avtomobilya/avtomobilniye-shiny.html